Why Great Field Sales Apps Are Fully Functional In Offline Mode
- Team Geo Rep
Everyone, and I mean everyone – field sales rep or not – we have all experienced a moment where we’re busy using our phone and then BAM no internet connection! Unfortunately, this isn’t uncommon (especially in South Africa), isn’t in our control and isn’t going to be resolved anytime soon and that’s exactly why great field sales apps are designed to be fully functional in offline mode.
Don’t Get Stranded
A great field sales app will save you when you don’t expect it – Don’t get stuck in the parking lot at your client’s location waiting ages for your tasks and check-ins to upload/ save to the server. In these situations, your app should be able to automatically switch over to offline mode, where you can save your progress and continue with your day as normal until your connection restores and the app is able to upload all your progress to the server.

Show up when your competitors can’t
As a mobile worker (field sales, healthcare, construction, manufacturing, energy, mining, hospitality, etc.), being able to work in all areas, conditions and circumstances is essential for smashing your sales targets and creating great customer relationships! Show your customers that no matter the situation, you and your sales team show up equipped to impress with in app client history, product pricing, stock checking, quoting capabilities, informed reps, and a great app by their side. Even in big cities/towns/suburbs there are areas where signal is non-existent or spotty. That’s exactly why an on-the-go job needs an on-the-go field sales software that’s functional in both online and offline mode.
Get prepared, stay prepared – Show Up, Prepared!
Internet connection, unlike a great field sales software app – is unpredictable, and you never know where, when or why it might disconnect, but we all know when it does happen, it’s not good for business. A great software company would know this, that’s why all field sales software apps should have an offline mode which enables you and your team to continue your day as normal, recording tasks, visits, check-in times, product photos and more, all to be uploaded and synced once online connection has been restored. In a country where our data prices are higher than ever, and our electricity is more off than it is on (thanks Eskom). It’s a necessity that with the touch of a button, your field sales app can convert into offline mode.

No data, no worries
A valuable yet sometimes overlooked benefit of offline mode is that no data is used, this means even when there is internet signal/ connection – if you or your sales reps are running low on data, you can simply switch over to offline mode until you have access to Wi-Fi. This will benefit you, your reps and your company as it will reduce data costs and missed visits. Increase overall productivity among sales reps with a field sales software that has both offline and online functionalities.
Extend your battery life a little further on those long days
A #sneaky tip – When you’re in a pinch, on the way to your last client of the day and your phones battery life is running low, switch over to airplane / offline mode – It’s been shown to use less battery than when in online mode, and this might just get you through that last visit!
Increased speed
Pre download, save and store forms, data, catalogues, price lists and client information on device for easy access. Don’t waste time waiting for items to download instore with a client. At the start of your day, download all your necessary resources via Wi-Fi and access them all in offline OR in online mode, directly on the app throughout the day.
Have the edge over your competitors and enable your field sales reps to continue meeting clients, placing orders, building customer loyalty, and smashing their targets with the Geo Rep app, a field sales software that has full online and offline functionality!
- Team Geo Rep